Confidence in Using a Slow Cooker
Duration: 10 hours
This 10 hour course will introduce you to using a slow cooker, its benefits in reducing costs in energy use, and suitable ingredients.
You will look at the difference between using a conventional oven and slow cooker and how to find or adapt recipes. As the cost of living increases this course will highlight an alternative way to cook family meals in a cost effective way. The aim of this course is to:
- Identify what a slow cooker is and its uses
- Understand the Kwh difference between the cost of using a slow cooker against a conventional oven
- Demonstrate how to price the ingredients for a recipe
- Write out a recipe, step by step including costs
- Identify five positives of using a slow cooker
- Identify three negatives of using a slow cooker
- Identify three recipes, two savoury and one sweet
- Know where to source recipes for a slow cooker
- Following class discussion, choose a recipe that will be cooked in a slow cooker and have the opportunity to taste this
- Have a better understanding of Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and Careers Information Advice and Guidance (CIAG) and know where to source these from
When you have completed this course, you could enrol on the ‘Confidence in everyday household budgeting’ workshop, or your tutor can advise you about other Health & Wellbeing courses we offer.
Other information
Entry requirements
- Aged 19 or over
- Able to take part in a discussion in a small group and to follow verbal prompts (via a signer or other communicator if required)
- Unaccredited
Award organisation
- n/a
What you will need
- Notebook and pen
How we will support you
- Financial support application
Book your place now!
Telephone: 0300 456 2050
Alternatively fill in our Course Enquiry form: CLICK HERE
Funded by Suffolk County Council and ESFA