The Allotment: Changing Seasons
Duration: 30 hours
This course is taught one morning a week over 10 weeks throughout the changing season. This course will provide an outdoor learning environment to benefit learners’ wellbeing. The allotment is growing with the addition of a green house and raised beds to plant and care for. Learners will have an opportunity to work on group projects in addition to practical assignments. If you enjoy the outdoors and are interested in growing healthy and tasty produce, then this course is for you.
- Be part of the developing allotment project; prepare, sow, plant, and harvest
- Work with a range of tools to carry out tasks safely
- Develop communication and team building skills
- Prepare an area for planting /sowing
- Plant a range of bulbs
- Carry out a range of maintenance tasks on the allotment
- Care for an allocated area, weeding and watering
- Prepare the allotment for over wintering
- Improve health fitness and wellbeing
This course will prepare learners for further learning within the sector. Learners may progress with volunteering or work experience opportunities. Learners may wish to upskill with a functional skills course to improve job prospects.
Other information
Entry requirements
- No prior experience of horticulture required
- Enjoy working outdoors
- You will require safety boots and gardening gloves
- Unaccredited
Award organisation
- n/a
What you will need
- Notebook and pen
How we will support you
- Financial support application
- Laptop loan can be arranged if required
Book your place now!
Telephone: 0300 456 2050
Alternatively fill in our Course Enquiry form: CLICK HERE
Funded by Suffolk County Council and ESFA