An Introduction to the Allotment
Over 8 weeks (2.5 hr sessions) you will learn and carry out some of the basic skills needed to create and maintain an allotment plot. No previous experience required but a willingness to participate in a range of outdoor activities.
20 hours
Award in Counselling Skills: Level 1
If you have already completed the Listening and Counselling workshop and would like to learn more, then this accredited Level 1 course will enable you to gain theoretical knowledge and develop your practical skills.
30 hours
Award in Personal Wellbeing: Level 1
This course will help you explore ways to improve your own personal wellbeing by developing your understanding of stress and its impact, motivation, making choices in everyday life and the impact this may have on our relationships.
40 hours
Award in Retail Knowledge: Level 1
This course will help you to develop your customer service skills through a range of activities such as identifying good customer service skills, the selling process, good communications skills, product knowledge and how to deal with customer complaints and the importance of stock control and pricing.
36 hours
Baby Activity Station
This course is aimed at promoting understanding of how parents/carers can support the learning and development of their baby. This course takes 8 or 10 hours to complete (four or five sessions of two hours).
10 hours
Baby and Me
This course is aimed at promoting understanding of how parents/carers can support the learning and development of their baby. This course takes 8 or 10 hours to complete (four or five sessions of two hours).
10 hours
Baby, Babble and Banter
There are two courses available aimed at promoting understanding of how parents/carers can help their babies/toddlers to become successful communicators. Each course takes 8 or10 hours to complete (4 or 5 sessions of 2 hours).
10 hours
Capturing the Outdoors
This course will take place outdoors, as much as the weather allows, and encourages you to carefully observe your surroundings in a way that most of us don’t while we are out during our busy lives.
20 hours
Certificate in Counselling Skills: Level 2
This course would be useful for anyone who would like to develop their use of counselling skills and will provide a foundation for further study. Learners will be introduced to the use of listening and counselling skills in everyday life and work and some of the approaches that underpin the use of these skills.
60 hours
Certificate in Health and Care: Level 1
This course aims to equip all learners with the sufficient skills and knowledge to start out in a successful career within the Health and Social care industry.
161 hours
Certificate in Health and Care: Level 2
The Level 2 Certificate in Health and Care will equip all learners with the fundamental skills and knowledge, to embark on a rewarding and successful career in the Health and Care industry.
117 hours
Certificate in Retail: Level 2
This course will prepare you for employment in the retail sector and covers the many important aspects of good practice in retail and customer service.
93 hours
Computer Club
This is a six-week course that puts you in the driving seat. As a group you will choose from a range of projects giving you the opportunity to practice a whole host of skills with computers and technology.
12 hours
Computer Skills for Beginners: Get Going
On this 54 hour course, you will learn the essentials to get you started in creating documents, sending emails with attachments and how to search and use the internet safely.
54 hours
Computer Skills for Beginners: Moving Ahead
On this 54 hour course, you will learn the essentials in creating documents for a range of audiences, use a spreadsheet to record data and how to search and use the internet safely.
54 hours
Computer Skills for Beginners: Starting Out
On this 8-week course (24 hours), you will learn the essentials to get you started in creating simple documents, sending emails and learn how to search and use the internet safely.
24 hours
Confidence and Wellbeing
This course aims to help you develop a greater understanding of barriers to your confidence and personal wellbeing. You will learn skills to support you in building your confidence and self-esteem and identify steps to take towards improving your general sense of wellbeing.
10 hours
Confidence in the Workplace & Dealing with Customers
This informal course aims to boost your personal confidence and self-awareness in everyday situations and prepare you for employment in customer service.
20 hours
Confidence in Using a Slow Cooker
This 10 hour course will introduce you to using a slow cooker, its benefits in reducing costs in energy use, and suitable ingredients.
10 hours
Confidence in Using a Slow Cooker Workshop
This initial 3 hour workshop will introduce you to using a slow cooker, its benefits in reducing costs in energy use and ingredients.
3 hours
Confidence to Deal with Everyday Household Budgeting
The aim of this 10 hour course is to build your confidence to make everyday decisions about your personal finances.
10 hours
Confidence to Deal with Everyday Household Budgeting Workshop
The aim of this three hour workshop is to build your confidence to make everyday decisions about your personal finances.
3 hours
Confidence Workshop
This three-hour session will introduce you to skills for understanding and improving confidence and self-esteem. It will get you started on the journey towards identifying steps to improving your personal wellbeing.
3 hours
Cooking For You and Your Family
This course will help to support parents/carers to cook a balanced range of foods which appeal to children and to learn about why a balanced diet is important.
15 hours
Creatively Digital: Mental Benches
The aim of the course is to raise and promote the issue of mental health, to encourage people to talk about and share with others their experiences of mental health.
20 hours
Creatively Digital: Mental Comics
The aim of this course is for learners to explore the beginnings of expressing themselves and to be able to write about their life experiences in the form of a cartoon strip.
20 hours
Creatively Digital: Photography
The aim of this course is to develop your skills and confidence to be able to take good photographs with your own cameras and be able to display them in an exhibition.
20 hours
Creatively Digital: Scrapbooking
The aim of this course is to develop the skills and confidence to use a computer, tablet or phone to produce images, labels and other digital things to include in your own scrapbook.
20 hours
Digital Journaling: Exploring Colour
This 7 week interactive online course will teach you how to use images and words in a creative way to record your own thoughts and experiences. We will explore the use of colour, the theory behind it, and its use in expressing emotion and in creating impact.
20 hours
Digital Journaling: Exploring Fairy Tales
This 7 week interactive course will explore how fairy tales don’t just exist in bedtime stories, or the pantomimes visit at Christmas. We’ll see how they are still relevant to today, and how they have equivalents on many different countries in the world.
20 hours
Digital Journaling: Exploring the Elements
This 6x week interactive online course will teach you how to use images and words in a creative way. We will explore how the elements – earth, air, fire, and water appear our own lives and also those of other cultures.
20 hours
Digital Journaling: Exploring the Seasons
On this course, we will look at the seasons as a subject and support our mental health by being creative. We’ll think about how weather, temperature and nature are part of our lives.
20 hours
Digital Journaling: Exploring the Senses
This 7 week interactive course will teach you how to use images and words in a creative way to record your own thoughts and experiences. We will explore how the senses allow us to interact with the world.
20 hours
Digital Journaling: Telling Your Story
Be part of an online group creating connections in a post Covid-19 world. You’ll need to access the class through Microsoft teams on your computer & we’ll support you as you access the course through your laptop, iPad, tablet or phone.
20 hours
Digital Photography: Learning to See
Think you need an expensive camera to make good photographs? If you have bridge camera, a point and shoot, or a smart phone this course will teach you otherwise.
20 hours
Digital Skills for Life
On this 2 x 3 hour course, you will learn the essentials to get you started in job searching, sending emails and how to search and use the internet safely.
54 hours
Digital Skills for the Office: Level 1
This course is aimed at those that have good keyboard, mouse and basic computer skills. It is also suitable for those that have progressed through the Computer Skills for Beginners package.
54 hours
Digital Skills for the Office: Level 2
This course is aimed at those that have completed the ‘Digital Skills for the Office’ course at Level 1 or for those that have already achieved equivalent Level 1 ITQ qualifications and wish to further their knowledge and skills in a range of applications while also gaining a certificate of learning.
54 hours
E-Safety for Parents and Carers
This course will help to provide parents and carers with an understanding of safety issues around their children and use of technology.
10 hours
Emergency First Aid at Home
This course is a flexible unaccredited course that is useful for parents and carers at home who would like to develop their confidence in learning how to deal with first aid at home, but do not need a qualification in the subject.
6 hours
Emergency First Aid for the Workplace
Taking part in this one-day workshop will allow you to explore the basic principles of First Aid to prepare you for work and home scenarios that you may experience in the future.
6 hours
Our English courses are designed to support you to develop your skills and confidence in reading, writing and communication skills for you to apply them in employment and everyday life.
70 hours
Environment, Sustainability And Wellbeing
This course aims to support you to have a better understanding of environmental issues, how these may impact you, your community and the world at large.
10 hours
Develop your confidence and skills in the three areas of English language: speaking and listening, reading and writing. This course is made up of a 2 hour session, working on all skills, with the option of an additional 2 hour Steps to Success in ESOL course.
70 hours
Follow-on English
This course is for parents/carers who have completed the ‘Step Ahead in English’ course and who want to continue their learning and gain a Functional Skills qualification in English.
18 hours
Follow-On Maths
This course is for parents/carers who have completed the ‘Step Ahead in Maths’ course and who want to continue their learning and gain a Functional Skills qualification in Maths.
18 hours
Food Safety in Catering: Level 2
This is an essential course for anyone working or wanting to work in the catering and hospitality industries. The course will benefit anyone working where food is prepared, cooked and served.
7 hours
Fun With Food
This course provides ideas and opportunities for you to take part in fun cooking activities which appeal to your child and to learn about a balanced diet.
8 hours
Get Ready for English and maths
Get Ready for English and Maths is a one day assessment session, which provides you with information about the English and maths courses that we offer.
3 hours
Get Ready for English/ESOL & Maths
Get Ready for English/ESOL and Maths is a one day assessment session, which provides you with information about the English/ESOL and maths courses that we offer.
3 hours
Get Ready for ESOL and maths
Get Ready for ESOL and Maths is a one day assessment session, which provides you with information about the ESOL and maths courses that we offer.
3 hours
Green Bathing Workshop
This outside workshop will encourage you to become one with nature and the environment and give you the opportunity to let your inner senses experience the natural world around you.
3 hours
Health and Safety in the Workplace: Level 2
This course will ensure that all employees are aware of their own safety and the safety of customers, contractors and the public.
7 hours
Hygge Workshop
Explore how you can become more mindfully aware of your surroundings. How you can improve your hygge and the impact it can have on you, others around you and your surroundings.
3 hours
Introduction to Skills for Creative Digital Design
This workshop will introduce you to the important aspects of digital design from developing a website, choosing a domain name, how to manipulate images as well as helping you develop your analytical skills through product investigation and understanding of marketing and promotion.
3 hours
Investigations in Science and Maths
This course will help you develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the types of investigations that are carried out in primary classrooms.
10 hours
This 20 hour course is designed to give you renewed personal confidence, a positive self-image and the skills to tackle stress.
20 hours
Living With Children
This 8 week course is for parents/carers who want to develop positive communication skills with their children.
24 hours
Living With Teens
This 8 week course is for parents/carers who want to develop positive communication skills with their children.
24 hours
Managing Your Festive Stress
On this 3 hour workshop you will identify some practical ways to manage your wellbeing through the festive season.
6 hours
Manual Handling
On this four hour workshop, you will explore the key principles of manual handling, with a clear focus on applying these principles within your own working context.
4 hours
Develop your confidence and skills in the three areas of maths: number, measure and data.
70 hours
Mental Health Awareness
Raise awareness of the issues surrounding mental health difficulties. Dispel some of the myths and misconceptions frequently linked to mental health issues. Develop learners’ knowledge of the rights of those with mental health issues.
18 hours
Mirror Image Workshop
During this three hour workshop you will learn about ways to promote your positive self esteem.
3 hours
Money Management
The aim of this course is to introduce you to the skills required to empower you to live independently and have the confidence to make everyday decisions about your personal finances.
2 hours
Move, Make and Play
This course is aimed at helping parents/grandparents or carers understand how they can support their child/children’s physical development; moving and handling, health and self-care.
10 hours
This course will provide you with the skills necessary to navigate a route in both an urban and rural environment. We will learn how to read an Ordnance Survey map, use a hand-held compass, make use of GPS technology and use some basic phone applications such as OS locate and What-Three-Words.
20 hours
Outdoor First Aid
This 16 hr practical course is delivered outdoors within a woodland habitat and is ideal if you are looking to work in the outdoors or if you are working in outdoor centres, supporting the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme or volunteering with outdoor groups.
Outdoor Skills
Over 10 weeks you will learn the basic skills needed to go hiking, camping and live in the outdoors.
20 hours
Outdoor Skills: Back to Nature
This 7 week course provides us all with the opportunity to do this again in a structured, informative way that will also help us to understand and protect the environments we explore through a range of walks and outdoor activities.
20 hours
Outdoor Skills: Engaging with Nature – Online
Over 5 weeks (2 hr sessions twice a week) you will be encouraged to spend time outside, looking at the natural world and exploring it.
20 hours
Outdoor Skills: Introduction to Walking and Camping
Over 7 weeks (3 hr sessions) you will learn how to use a map and compass to follow a walking route, experience putting up a tent, eat food that you have heated over a camping stove and practice packing your bag ready for a long distance walk.
20 hours
Paper, Paint and Play
This course is aimed at promoting understanding of how parents/carers can support the learning and development of children 2 years to 3 years old.
10 hours
Personal Confidence and Assertiveness For Parents and Carers
The course aims to enable you to explore issues around confidence, assertiveness and life management to help you make more informed life choices.
15 hours
Play and Language
This 10 hour course is for parents/carers and grandparents who are interested in devising play opportunities to support their child’s learning.
10 hours
Ready Steady Go (Transition)
This course will help to assist parents/carers in supporting children starting pre-school/school.
10 hours
Rhythm and Rhyme
This course is designed to give parents/carers the opportunity to experience musical activities with their children and understand how they contribute to communication, language and literacy development.
10 hours
Sage for Beginners
The most popular accounting software for small and medium businesses. If accounting or bookkeeping is something you do or want to do more efficiently then this is an excellent introduction.
15 hours
Sage: Get Qualified
The most popular accounting software for small and medium businesses. If accounting or bookkeeping is something you do or want to do more efficiently then this is an excellent introduction.
24 hours
Skills for Childcare: Level 1
This course will give you a broad introduction to working in the Childcare Sector, equipping you with knowledge and skills specific to this sector.
70 hours
Skills for Childcare: Level 2
This course will give you a broad introduction to working in the childcare sector, equipping you with knowledge and skills specific to this sector.
114 hours
Skills for Cooking & Catering for All: Level 2
This course is designed for anyone who has completed the Skills in Hospitality: Level 1 and the Skills for Planning & Cooking Set Menus: Level 1; or has prior kitchen experience and is looking to build their skills for use in work and/or volunteering in the hospitality industry.
95 hours
Skills for Creative Digital Design
This course will introduce you to the many ways design is used in business and the range of jobs from graphic design to window display, to packaging design to creating websites.
50 hours
Skills for Cyber Security: Level 1
This short six session course will combine theory with practical tasks to get you started in exploring different types of cybercrime and how you can enhance cybersecurity at home and at work.
30 hours
Skills for Hospitality: Level 1 (Part A)
This course will give you a broad introduction to working in hospitality, equipping you with knowledge and skills specific to this industry.
24 hours
Skills for Logistics
On this course you will expand your knowledge of the logistics sector to support progression to employment, to an apprenticeship or to further study at a higher level.
54 hours
Skills for Planning & Cooking Set Menus: Level 1 (Part B)
This course will give you a broad introduction to working in hospitality, equipping you with knowledge and skills specific to this industry.
50 hours
Skills for Working as a Business Administrator
On this 10 week course you will learn the essential skills required to start a career in business administration and retail.
70 hours
Step Ahead in English: Support Your Child
This course is designed to give a better understanding of the way that English is taught in primary school.
18 hours
Step Ahead in ICT: Support Your Child
The course aims to provide parent/carers with an introduction to IT /Computing and its current use in schools.
18 hours
Step Ahead in Maths: Support Your Child
This course is designed to give a better understanding of the way that Maths is taught in primary school.
18 hours
Steps to Success
This course has been designed to provide the opportunity for ESOL learners to develop their confidence in the skills required to integrate into their communities.
70 hours
Story Sacks (With Children Attending)
This course will take parents/carers through the process of making a story sack for their child whilst also learning about the impact this can have on a child’s developing English skills.
10 hours
Story Sacks (Without Children Attending)
This course will take parents/carers through the process of making a story sack for their child whilst also learning about the impact this can have on a child’s developing English skills.
10 hours
Stress Management
On this course you will gain an understanding of what we mean by stress, the various causes of stress in your life and how this impacts your wellbeing.
10 hours
Stress Management Workshop
This three hour session will get you started on the journey towards understanding how to manage stress in your life.
3 hours
Supporting SATS (Maths or English)
This course is designed to give a better understanding of the way English or maths is taught to key stage 2 children in primary school and how it is tested.
15 hours
Supporting Teaching
This course will support anyone who wishes to gain basic skills for assisting in a classroom environment. You will gain skills in classroom management, planning, assessing and feedback.
48 hours
The Allotment: Changing Seasons
This course is taught one morning a week over 10 weeks throughout the changing season. This course will provide an outdoor learning environment to benefit learners’ wellbeing.
30 hours
The Allotment: Sow and Grow
On this 8-week course (24 hours), you will learn the essentials to get you started in creating simple documents, sending emails and learn how to search and use the internet safely.
30 hours
Travel Together Through Books: Support Your Child
This 6-10 hour course is for parents/carers and grandparents who are interested in looking at ways to help children enjoy reading.
8 hours
Volunteering for Wellbeing
Volunteering improves your confidence and supports you in identifying your next steps in life.
10 hours
Volunteering for Wellbeing Workshop
During this three hour workshop, you will learn about the positive impact of volunteering on your wellbeing and why doing good does you good.
3 hours
Wellbeing Workshop
On this 3 hour workshop you will identify come practical ways to manage your wellbeing.
2 hours
Winter Wellbeing Workshop
On this 3 hour workshop you will identify some practical ways to manage your wellbeing through the winter season.
3 hours
Working Together: First/Next Step into the Classroom
This course prepares parent helpers to offer effective support in the classroom and gives participants an opportunity to gain a qualification.
30 hours