We would like to update you on the current situation at Realise Futures CIC.
Safety of staff and visitors are at the forefront of all our planning and thinking when we are making decisions on how we react to the COVID-19 pandemic.
We are keeping up to date with the latest government advice and those of our commissioners. We are carrying out risk assessments and thinking ahead to adapt to the changing situations we all find ourselves in.
Given the significant developments in the UK regarding the outbreak we have taken the following actions for the foreseeable future:
- ALL classroom based learning has been suspended.
- ALL Learning Centres are closed.
- ALL Employment Team offices across Suffolk and Essex are closed.
- ALL Well-being services are suspended for the foreseeable future. Welfare calls will be made on a weekly basis to ALL existing customers.
- Growing Places Veg Box Delivery Service and Poppy’s Pantry Wholefood Shop will remain open to support our communities with vital supplies as needed. Relevant and appropriate risk assessments have been undertaken and key workers identified to deliver these services.
We are complying with the government’s social distancing measures across all open sites and we are continuing to deliver Employment and Learning services by phone and/or online.
We will continue to offer telephone support to those most in need.
We would like to thank you for your support and understanding at this time.